Some yahoo jackass spends five hours trying to put together a bomb on an airplane and suddenly the entire continent goes berserk. Apparently it never occurred to anyone that these sorts of measures never work because nobody tries exactly the same method ever again. It also apparently didn't occur to anyone that the fuckhead would-be terrorist was clearly a complete and utter moron who couldn't put together the potential bomb through an entire cross-Atlantic flight. I'm assuming someone gave him an overview of what would be necessary at some point, but he was apparently doodling in his margins, or checking his text messages.
Here's the lowdown, folks: you can't screen for crazy. If someone wants to fuck with you on a plane, they will find a way, no matter WHAT you do, so why put all the innocent good people through all this nonsense? If you fly in an airplane you choose to take your life in your hands, terrorism or not. It's a fact. We all need to get used to it.
My proposal is this... the back of each seat on an airplane is equipped with a weighted baton. To be used as a weapon, and with no other purpose. Could someone start something with this baton? Certainly, but he would have a hundred and twenty other people opposed to him, each with their own batons as well. Mob rule, in some situations, can be a good thing. This would counteract the need to screen for weapons on the way in. If someone comes on the plane with a gun, they are outnumbered. Is it possible that someone would still be killed? Of course, but this is the real world, ladies and gentlemen, and the world is not coated in Nerf for your protection. Life is dangerous. Wear a helmet.
Screw flying anyways. What happened to good old leisurely Atlantic crossings by boat. Also, there are no air pirates, so the skies are way to safe to start with.
A good trawl through Somalian waters is what's needed. Keep on those hoses!
Amen, brotha! And, hey, whatever happened to air-ships?
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