Are You A PseudoSkeptic?

Marcello Truzzi, in a 1987 issue of “the Zetetic Scholar”, offerred this list of the attributes of the pseudoskeptics:

-The tendency to deny, rather than doubt.

-Double standards in the application of criticism.

-The making of judgements without full inquiry.

-Tendency to discredit, rather than investigate.

-Use of ridicule or ad hominem attacks.

-Presenting insufficient evidence or proof.

-Pejorative labelling of proponents as ‘promoters’, ‘pseudoscientists’ or practitioners of ‘pathological science.’

-Assuming criticism requires no burden of proof.

-Making unsubstantiated counter-claims.

-Counter-claims based on plausibility rather than empirical evidence.

-Suggesting that unconvincing evidence is grounds for dismissing it.

-Tendency to dismiss all evidence.


Rev. Ouabache said...

Gotta an example of someone that you would consider a pseudo-skeptic?

Dr Hoopla said...

I would say Penn Jillette plays the part an awful lot, as much as I love him. The Amazing Randi fits the bill more often than not, as well.

Rev. Ouabache said...

Jillette and Michael Shermer both have a bad habit of letting their political views interfere with their skepticism. I don't know what the deal is with Randi lately. The global warming thing kinda came out of nowhere. Just goes to show that everyone has a blindspot somewhere.